Helping you build bespoke project teams.

Choosing people for your project team is both an art and a science. Our ability to master both helps you hire your best team so you can deliver great results.


We specialise in building bespoke project teams. Your project success is all about the right people.

Bringing the right people on board is paramount before kicking off any new project. For management and non-management positions, both professional abilities and soft skills matter when building a functional team. Clear understanding of roles, timeframes, ability to work in a team, and professionalism of team members is what drives a project team to success. Sense Recruitment can help you plan your team build from the onset.

Our recruitment projects have supported customers through significant growth phases as well as strategic engagements to replace contractors with permanent staff, which have seen both uplift in capability and a significant cost reduction.

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“In standing up a new digital Data Team, we struggled to find skilled resources in the Perth market. I engaged with multiple third-party vendors and we couldn’t form a complete team. I meet with Anita and team at Sense and explained the skill sets and business problem we had. Their ability to listen, and understand the needs, resulted in them finding a disparate group of individuals, that worked together. In the space of a few weeks, we were off and racing in delivering our data direct to the cloud and solving the business issues faster than we have ever before. What this team accomplished in the next 6 months has been blue printed and is being used within our global community and they are sought to commercialise the latest advancements in our Digital Data offerings. We wouldn’t have been able to find, build and retain a team that is delivering above and beyond in this highly competitive market without Sense, they are a highly professional team that seek to understand your business and find those people that fit into your team.”
sr Wayne Skeggs
Wayne Skeggs

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