Returning for its 12th year on 23 November 2021, alongside Perth’s generous ICT community, the team from Sense Recruitment sponsored the 6th hole at Joondalup Resort for Putt4dough, making sure players were well looked after with vodka jellies and afternoon snacks.
With some gorgeous raffle prizes supplied by Gifted Design (check them out for corporate gifting) and guess how many Ferrero Rocher’s were in the jar (170 in total!!) players pulled out their wallets and helped us raise more than $1000 in raffle tickets.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that this year’s 12th annual putt4dough raised SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation and the Early Moves Project. Well and truly tipping Putt4dough over the $500,000 mark of total funds raised since their inception.
Always such a well-attended event, this year was no exception. Sense Recruitment and IBM were announced as inaugural twelve-year sponsors and our director, Anita Pages-Oliver, beamed with pride standing amongst another 35 sponsors as they were acknowledged at this year’s event.
Putt4dough have now raised a total of $563,000 for the Foundation over the years.